Saturday, February 22, 2020

Problem solving Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Problem solving - Case Study Example The CEO, Dirk Henry, should be advised to resign because of the bad image he lends to the company by calling the activists tree-huggers, as well as failing as a CEO to upgrade their fleet of ships. As a CEO, he should take charge of making decisions like that. The best punishment for them would be to serve the community that was affected by the oil spill. They should contribute a large sum of money for the clean up. It is a punishment because they would lose a lot of money, but then again they would earn positive public image for it. External problems of this company involve their image: they are now seen as a passive company without really caring for its staff and employees. They are also seen as non-environmentally friendly company. Extensive PR campaigns, as well as community work should take care of this, and possibly by sacking their CEO. Internal problems are rooted to the external problems. The employees are now demoralized (it’s their 50th anniversary after all) and they are probably confused. They are also burdened with the weight of the problem that was produced by the ship mishap. Their stocks would definitely fall, and their company would probably have a financial setback. PR campaigns, and proper forums should take care of the employee’s doubts. The organizational culture surely helped because they knew their roles as members of the company (except for the CEO). They knew that their actions would reflect to the corporation and they did well. They knew how to act as a unit. The moral reasoning reflected in the discussions, I believe, is the â€Å"caring ethics†. The posts revolved about caring for the company, caring for the environment and caring for the employees of the company. The plan of action revolved around the community and the environment. The reasoning behind it is this: when the company shows that it cares for the community and the environment, people would believe that they are not negligent about their

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Problems of metaphysics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Problems of metaphysics - Essay Example Kant argues that, to extend understanding to the more sensible realm of exploratory metaphysics. The basis that understanding has the stated constraints, he says that the mind of people plays very active roles to constitute the features for experience as well as limiting peoples mind’s to access only the observed realm of space in addition to time.Metaphysics have different meanings since it covers other combination subjects such as philosophical and psychological titles on disciplinary subjects. It is not easy to define the term metaphysics, because it does not only deal with â€Å"things that do not change†. Many philosophers for this case argued that there still exists life, hence day by day many things and ideas develop not, forgetting other philosophical issues that are still considered as metaphysical problems. Back in the early twentieth-century, â€Å"Metaphilosophy,† and â€Å"metalanguage† gave hopes to philosophers that metaphysics is, does not only involves the study of physics but it goes beyond all these by studying the lifestyle of human beings and knowing. Kant strongly believes that, Aristotle he had the books that had a clear, and an exact meaning of the word metaphysics, even though, he did not understand the meaning of metaphysics but, only had a rough idea that, metaphysics involves things which do not necessarily change. The fourteen titles of the books of Aristotle books were most likely meant for warning the students of Aristotle’s Philosophy to  attempt metaphysics after mastering â€Å"the physical ones,† his one book about nature- that is, about change, and for the change defines the feature of the natural world. Aristotle identifies metaphysics as being what you are and another, as a cause which comes first. The two subject –matters are regarded as defensible statements of metaphysics to the title until the seventeenth century when problems were identified to be of physics as classified by Aristotle.